Other certifications

Product characterization analysis obtained

High certified standards

In 2013, we completed tests and trials on a production of approximately 2000 tons of plastic material. The result? A homogeneous product of exceptional quality, guaranteed at 99% certified purity. A success that underscores our commitment to excellence and our ability to achieve higher levels in the industry.

Analysis Arpa Lombardia

Analysis Arpa Lombardia

Analysis Arpa Lombardia
MPS PP copolymer (former bumpers)
UNI 10667-3:2011

Analysis - csi

Analysis - csi

Analysis - csi
MPS PP copolymer (former bumpers)
UNI 10667-3:2011



MPS PE-HD (tanks)
UNI 10667-3:2011

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your turnkey
plant system

Thanks to its modularity and versatility, the PHI plant system meets every type of need in terms of configuration and production.

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a reseller

The unique technological features and exclusive patents make the PHI plant system a product with great potential in terms of production and quality. The system is available for presentations and demonstrations.

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